14 September 2022
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Report of the Director of Public Health (Health and Adult Services)
Purpose of the Report
1.1 |
To seek agreement for proposals to develop a new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for North Yorkshire, as required by the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012). |
2 Background information
2.1 As outlined in the Joint Report of the Director of Public Health and the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) to this Board on 18 March 2022, all Health and Wellbeing Boards have a statutory duty to produce Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies.
2.2 As the Board is aware, the current Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS) covered the time period 2015-2020, and a new Strategy is therefore required.
2.3 As a reminder, the purpose of the JHWBS as indicated in the statutory guidance is to:
o Meet the needs identified in JSNAs, unique to each local area
o Explain what priorities the health and wellbeing board has set in order to tackle the needs identified in their JSNAs
o Set a small number of key strategic priorities for action, that will make a real impact on people’s lives (rather than attempting to tackle everything)
o Translate JSNA findings into clear outcomes the Board wants to achieve, which will inform local commissioning – leading to locally led initiatives that meet those outcomes and address the needs.
2.4 There are a number of key interdependencies that impact on the development of the JHWBS:
o It should be informed by the refreshed Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), for which the work is currently underway, with a final document expected in November 2022.
o Similarly, the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership is required by the Health and Care Act 2022 to produce an Integrated Care Strategy and this should be informed by the relevant regional JSNAs and JHWBSs. H&NY ICS are aiming for a first draft of the strategy by end December 2022.
o Other pieces of work underway that will usefully inform strategy development include the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (also a duty of the Health and Wellbeing Board to produce) and the Integrated Care Board 5-year plan.
3. Developing the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
3.0 In order to guide the development of the new strategy, an editorial group has been convened with representation from the County Council and the H&NY Integrated Care Board. This group has been meeting over the summer to develop a project plan and timeline.
3.1 Mindful of the connections between the pieces of work referenced in 2.4 above, the timeline takes account of the interdependencies and allows for meaningful engagement with partners and communities. The key milestones include:
o Discussion with HWB – September 2022
o Public engagement October – December 2022
o Feedback and draft strategy to HWB in March 2023
o Formal consultation on draft strategy – April 2023
o Final strategy sign-off at HWB – July 2023
o Launch – July/August 2023
3.2 In the editorial group discussions, consideration has also been given to the possible direction and timespan for the JHWBS, reflecting on the emergent nature of new health and care systems, the purpose of such a strategy, the key issues that impact on our communities’ health, and the health inequalities that the health and care system and wider partners need to address.
4 Conclusion
4.1 It is therefore proposed that the starting point for this iteration of the JHWBS is to take account of recent events, particularly the impact of the pandemic on health and wider inequalities; to explore what matters to people now; and to identify longer-term priorities for improving health and reducing health inequalities.
4.2 The JHWBS Editorial Group would be grateful for the views of the Board to refine and shape the outline proposals so that they may then be taken forward for engagement.
4.3 In order to inform 4.2 above, time has been allocated for discussion at the Board meeting on 14th September and further detail, with slide deck, will be provided as part of this session.
5 Recommendation
5.1 That the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board note this report and following discussion at the Board meeting on 14th September 2022, agree the timescales and approach to developing a new North Yorkshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. |
Louise Wallace
Director of Public Health
6th September 2022
County Hall, Northallerton
Report Authors:
Louise Wallace, Director of Public Health
Shanna Carrell, Equalities Manager, Health and Adult Services
Background documents relied upon in the preparation of this report:
Statutory Guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing
Strategies; DoH 2013
Report to North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board 18th March 2022: North Yorkshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (Countywide Profile) and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy